Monday, February 10, 2014

Love & Light - The Creativity Project February Theme

Love & Light - The Creativity Project
February Theme

"If you can tune into an emotion or experience that is universal, and draw it, sing it or write it so that other people recognize it and identify with it , then all those people you touched are brought together in their understanding."   - Unknown
Love Under The Bridge

 The love and light of my life

"To love beauty, is to see the light" -Victor Hugo

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."  ~Albert Schweitzer

Love of Country

"It is during our darkest hours that we must focus to see the light" ~Aristotle 

Love of Community (with flashing lights)

I love the fierceness and the light!
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~Plato

Harbor Seals sunbathing in the light, and loving it!

Harbor seals loving the warming light

The light from the sun passing through high altitude ice crystals creating a semi-rare cloud iridescence

"Love is not consolation, it is light" ~ Nietzsche

Thanks for checking out my take on this month's theme of Love and Light for The Creativity Project
Please take the time to continue the circle by visiting our next contributor -

Singwa Lim:

You can even add your own take on our theme on The Creativity Project's page

As always, feel free to visit and like my personal facebook page for daily updates at
DTB Photography NJ


  1. I really like that one of the firefighters. Great images!

  2. these quotes are perfect. lovely post.
    (that firefighter pic is my FAV!)

  3. I am a big fan of quotes. You captured all kinds of light in this post! My favorite light you captured was the light of your daughter's smile. What a joy : ).

  4. Love, love, love the quotes and the charming photos that go with each one.
    Terrific take on Love and Light.

  5. Love love the heart wall! All the golden light shots!

  6. If I had to pick a favorite, the last one for sure! It could be a painting! So pretty!

  7. Hands down - my favorite picture is the one with the young girl on the railroad tracks.

  8. Such a beautiful selection of photos and examples of light, Dan. I love the ones of your daughter the most; they not only capture the literal light but the light that makes life worth living, as well. She is beautiful.
